Race Report – Marquette Fall Enduro

Words by Alex Anderson, Photos by Nick Ryan

The final race of the Lake Superior Gravity Series was blest with some of the finest weather the series had seen all year! Well, minus the rain during the podiums, but that just seemed fitting with how the year had started!

Racers got to use the chairlift for a few of the transfers, which had some people pretty stoked!

The day stages went by smoothly for most!

Then as the sun started to fade, costumes started to be dawned, and racers prepared to race the night stage!

Sadly we didn’t end up with any images from the night stage. Go check out the Marquette Fall Enduro Instagram page to see some photos from the party! As well as to see the podiums!

It was a great year of racing for the Lake Superior Gravity Series! Thank you Kelly for running the series for as long as you did! Alex Anderson has now taken over the series. If you have any suggestions for the series, please feel free to reach out to him! He also runs this website, so you can email him through the email on the Contact page. 

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