Vital MTB and Pinkbike both recently came out with their “master lists” of downhill races happening in the United States. Pinkbike’s was a bit more aimed at National level races, but Vital specifically called theirs the List of Regional and National Level Races.
Now I get that sometimes races will get missed. Especially one off events. But the Lake Superior Gravity Series has been going on for many years at this point and it isn’t mentioned anywhere in the either posts.
I love checking both Pinkbike and Vital to get news and information on what is happening in the mountain bike world. But the Midwest gravity scene gets little to no love on either of those platforms.
That is why I launched Downhill Midwest. I want there to be a place where the riders here in the Midwest can learn about what’s happening here. Maybe you live in downstate Michigan, if you don’t follow the right accounts and people on social media, you’ll never hear about the scene in Minnesota. Or maybe you live in Wisconsin, but are traveling to Ohio for work, but don’t know where to ride. You remember seeing a cool video here on DownhillMidwest.com of someone in Ohio and that’s how you learn about Horns Hill. Now you get to bring your bike with and ride a new bike park!
I’m hoping to grow this website to a place where the Midwest community can gather around our news, our content, and the events we are attending.
So if you have any videos, photos, event recaps, dig days, group rides, races, or just general information you want to share. Shoot an email to Alex@downhillmidwest.com so we can share your story!
P.S. I’m not a web developer. I’m doing this all via the old YouTube educational system. So if you have some skills and would be able to teach me some things. That would be awesome!