Downhill Midwest Midwest Downhill Mountain Biking Thu, 27 Jun 2024 03:28:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Downhill Midwest 32 32 Marquette Trails Fest Race Report Thu, 27 Jun 2024 03:27:52 +0000 Marquette Trails Fest Race Report Read More »


This weekend Marquette Trails Fest went down as the rain came down. Even though the weather wasn’t the best, the racing was fantastic! (Photos by Dylan Juchemich. Words by Alex Anderson)

Dual Slalom winner Ryan Zinzow in the zone!

The weekend started strong with Dual Slalom on Friday.

It rained some in the middle of the day, but by the time racing began, the rain had stopped. Leaving perfect conditions on the track for the riders!

Transition and Quick Stop Bike Shop were on site cooking hot dogs for the hungry racers and spectators!

A big crowd showed up to cheer on the racers and there was some amazing competition throughout the evening. Youth racers started off the event with Kaden McKeown coming away with the win!

The women’s field saw some amazing racing. Tight racing all night lead to the final heat between Lexi Curran and Sam Paternoster. Both racers were pushing it to the limit, and unfortunately Lexi found that limit. Hitting the ground, allowing Sam to cruise to the win for the night.

The men’s field was no different. 26 men started the evening, but only one could walk away victor. Ryan Zinzow showed off them BMX skills all night. Coming out the start gate hot every lap and didn’t cool down till after the finish line. Fueled by Hams and Goldfish from the Transition food tent, he came away the winner on the night.

More Dual Slalom Action!

Saturday, or should we say Saturated Day! I don’t recall the rain letting up at any point during the day. But that didn’t deter racers from taking on the trails for the Enduro!

Volunteers stood in the rain all dang day for racers to be able to race. Thank you volunteers!

Six stages awaited the Expert racers, while four stages lay ahead for the Sport group! The morning stages were Jawbone, Easy Rider and Combo Platter. The afternoon saw Flow, Southern Cross and Chunder Muffin.

Wet roots kept things… interesting…

With all the rain, the trails were extra slippery! If you kept it on 2 wheels all day, you should get an award! Many racers struggled with vision, as you were either looking through muddy, wet goggles. Or you were playing the safety squint game with all your might!

Yet again, we see Ryan Zinzow come away with an event win in the Expert Ment category. While Abby Strigel claims victory in Expert Women!

How long do you think it took Mason to get the mud out of his eyes?

Sunday, the driest day of the weekend! We see racers line up for some high speed, downhill action!

As  the mud on Landin’s bike would tell you, it wasn’t a dry track!

It may not have been raining, but the track certainly wasn’t dry. An upper section had water running through it, there was a two foot deep puddle, and plenty of other miscellaneous moisture to keep things, spicy!

This year was the first year of doing seeding runs, and all the racers were happy to see the integration. It kept race runs clean from needing to pass and kept it exciting at the bottom.

Spectators lined up to watch the rock garden and were met with some great racing!

Ryan Zinzow cleaned up again, with his 3rd victory of the weekend!

Mara Breeuwer was the fastest female of the day!

Some more great photos from Dylan!

This year was again the biggest Marquette Trails Fest to date! Thank you so much to all the volunteers and people who put on this great event! We hope to see you out there next year and hopefully we break that record again!

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Race Recap: Ride The Keweenaw Enduro Fri, 31 May 2024 18:54:13 +0000 Race Recap: Ride The Keweenaw Enduro Read More »


Last weekend, Ride the Keweenaw hosted the first stop of the Lake Superior Gravity Series!

The week leading up to the event, Copper Harbor saw plenty, and I mean PLENTY of rain! This had the East Bluff trails closed all week until Friday for pre ride. When first tires got on trail, it was apparent why they had been closed!

Josh Knapp driving through the mud! (Photo by Dylan Juchemich)

Even with all the hard work the trail crew had done during the week leading up to the race, the trails were axle deep with mud!! Loam Ranger and Thunderbolt are two trails that were particularly soft. As hand cut, natural trails that haven’t been open long, there were spots that had a lot of topsoil holding water. The other trails, having been more established and armored, ran well. They were running slow, but they handled the moisture well. 

Saturday the Lake Superior Gravity Series hosted a Jump Jam on lower Dueling Banjos. 

It was great seeing so many people of all ages and abilities show up and enjoy some air time! Photos by Alex Anderson

Saturday night more rain moved in just to really make sure the trails were fully saturated for race day! Sunday was a bit overcast, which kept the humidity at bay and created a really pleasent day for racing. As long as you paid no attention to the hoards of gnats at the top of the hill! Kudos to all the volunteers that were up at the top all day fighting the clouds of bugs off!

Overall it was a great day of racing! Nobody escaped the day without getting dirty, even if you stayed upright! We look forward to Ride the Keweenaw again next year!

Find full results list over at Superior Timing!

Photo by Dylan Juchemich

If you missed out on the slip and slide, check out this video from 5th place Alex Anderson to give you an idea of how wet it was out there!

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So Many Loam Pass Locations in the Midwest! Thu, 23 May 2024 21:45:19 +0000 So Many Loam Pass Locations in the Midwest! Read More »


Unlock the Upper Midwest’s Premier Mountain Biking Destinations with the Loam Pass

The Loam Pass is your gateway to some of the best mountain biking trails in the Midwest. From the banks of the mighty Mississippi River to Lake Superior and the rolling hills of The Highlands and North woods, the Midwest is a place where outdoor adventure is everywhere. This is a trip you won’t forget! Explore some of the best kept biking in the country. Here’s what you can expect:

Located near the Mississippi River, Chestnut Mountain is known for its thrilling downhill tracks and stunning river views. The trails here cater to both beginners and experienced riders, making it an ideal spot for everyone looking to enjoy a day on the bike with a scenic backdrop.

Opening Day: May 25, 2024

Spirit Mountain offers a wide range of trails that cater to all abilities, from flowing singletracks to more technical rides. Along with biking, visitors can enjoy scenic chairlift rides that provide a panoramic view of Lake Superior and the surrounding landscapes.

Activities: Located 10 minutes from downtown Duluth and also a hub to the Duluth MTB system.  There is also an adventure park on site with an alpine coaster, zipride, jumping pillow, and putt-putt golf along with chairlift rides. The superior hiking trail also runs through the property, allowing glimpses of the north shore right on the hill.

Opening Day: May 24th Weather permitting 

Nestled in northern Michigan, The Highlands serves as a pivotal part of the upper Midwest’s biking scene with its extensive network of trails. The resort opens its season with a vibrant First Ride Party, and it hosts various events throughout the season, making it a hub for the biking community.

Activities: Discover a range of resort events and local attractions, including golf, zip-lining, and exploring nearby Harbor Springs.

Opening Day: May 25, 2024

Your home base in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Keweenaw Adventure Company is a special connection between the upper Midwest’s many biking destinations. Offering unique biking experiences in one of the most remote and beautiful parts of the region. The region is celebrated for its rugged terrain and extensive trail network that challenges even the most experienced bikers.

Opening Day: May 24, 2024

Activities: Enjoy kayak tours on Lake Superior, canoe rentals, and SUP adventures.

Opening Day: May 25, 2024

With lift service DH and miles of XC around the Marquette bike park, there is something for everyone Marquette Mountain is located in Michigan’s beautiful Upper Peninsula, just off the shores of Lake Superior. The bike park gives riders access to old school downhill trails as well as new school flow. Don’t miss exploring the host of trails in and around Marquette! Note that e-bikes are allowed and welcome to the up-hill access trail at the park but not on the lift.

Opening Day: May 24, 2024

Activities: Enjoy guided historical kayak tours on Lake Superior, mountain bike rentals, disc golf, and art and music festivals!

Opening weekend is June 15-16

Located less than 2 hours from St. Louise, over 10  downhill trails, plus hiking trails. You aren’t going to want to skip Shepherd Mountain on your next roadtrip!

Already Open!

Shuttles are running Friday 12pm – 5pm & Sat/Sun 9am – 5pm

This shuttle park has all the luxuries of a full service resort! On site camping, food, bike rental, bike shop all at your disposal? What more could you possibly ask for?

Shuttles operate Thursday 12-6 Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10-6.

These destinations not only provide fantastic biking experiences but also contribute to a vibrant community of outdoor enthusiasts in the upper Midwest. The Loam Pass is more than just a ticket to ride; it’s an invitation to explore, experience, and enjoy the Midwest like never before. Whether you’re a seasoned biker or looking for new family adventures, the Loam Pass has something for everyone.

Looking to go outside of the Midwest? With over 40 locations there’s a good chance your vacation location is near one of their partner resorts! Use it in the Midwest, or use it our West (or Southeast or New England) and have a blast this summer!

The Loam Pass is available for purchase now. Ensure your spot in the Dream Heli-biking giveaway by purchasing your Pass in May. Loam Pass gives you 2 free days, additional discounted days plus other exclusive perks and discounts to destinations like these all across the country for $250.

Rob Brown

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Big Evil Race Results Wed, 22 May 2024 01:34:39 +0000 Big Evil Race Results Read More »


Saturday saw almost 50 racers show up to Mont Du Lac resort to tackle the first of the Big Evil Races for the year. 

Some thunder in the morning pushed practice back an hour, and when the first riders got on course, it was a complete slip and slide. I don’t think anybody was able to make it down for at least the first 5 laps of the day! Many riders opting out of the early practice sessions to wait for the dirt to dry out. 

Lucas Miller put out a few fun highlight (and lowlight) videos on Instagram. Higher Base Media supplied us with the great photos and plans to put some video highlights up on his Instagram as well!

After the dirt dried out though, it made for a fun race! With a fast top section, and a lower section that had multiple line options, it was clear riders were enjoying themselves. 

Racers did one seeding run and then headed back up the hill for their race runs!

You can see the podiums below, but for a full list of results and times head over to Roots and Rain!

Thank you to everyone who came out and made the event such a fun time! 

And thank you so much to the crew who put it on! Adam, Ethan, Ryan and Wyatt! Ya’ll are legends!

And of course, thank you Mont Du Lac for letting us have such a fun event at your venue! They are going to be running shuttles Thursdays and Saturdays for anybody who wants to come out and pay a few bucks to not have to pedal uphill!

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Ride the Keweenaw Weekend Tue, 21 May 2024 22:29:09 +0000 Ride the Keweenaw Weekend Read More »


The 2024 ride season has arrived, and we are back in Copper Harbor with another year of incredible events. The upcoming season will feature four weekends of fun spread out across the summer, and of course, there is something for everyone!

We kick off the lineup Memorial Day weekend with Ride The Keweenaw, three days of exploring the best singletrack across the Copper Country, culminating into the first Lake Superior Gravity Series Enduro of the year. 

The event kicks off on Friday, May 24th at 6:30 PM with a guided group ride through the caverns at the Adventure Mine; make sure to bring a light as it gets dark down below the surface!  Riding your bike underground is a unique experience that should not be missed.

Saturday, May 25th, starts bright and early at 9:00 AM with a guided group ride at the Michigan Tech Trails. All adults will be required to have trail passes; all of the proceeds go directly back to the Michigan Tech trails. At 10:00 AM, we begin the second annual Family Enduro, which is presented by Singletrack Flyers. This is a great opportunity for kids and families to experience a short Enduro race in a competitive, but not too competitive, environment. 

From there, we pack up and head across the bridge to the Churning Rapids trails in Hancock, where we will have another guided group ride that begins at 1:00 PM and will leave from the Christensen Road trailhead off M-203. 

We close out Saturday with Women’s only pre-ride of the Enduro stages for Sunday’s race, which begins at 2:00 PM; registration is required.

On Sunday, May 26th, we line up to race an all-new Copper Harbor enduro course featuring trails entirely on East Bluff. Registration and check-in are open from 8-10:00 AM at the Grant Township Hall in downtown Copper Harbor.  Space is limited, so register early if you plan on racing!  We will follow with awards at the Donny Kilpela Memorial Park at 3:30 PM and finish the weekend with a final celebration featuring live music and the unveiling of this year’s limited-edition ArtBike Posters at the Mariner North at 4:00 PM.

Come on out, enjoy the long weekend and ride some bikes! We look forward to seeing you out there!

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4-H Downhill Program in Iron County MO Wed, 15 May 2024 19:24:14 +0000 4-H Downhill Program in Iron County MO Read More »


A youth biking program for those who enjoy downhill!

Do you know a high schooler who enjoys mountain bikes, wants to join a group but maybe NICA isn’t their favorite?

The good people in Iron County Missouri have been working with their local 4-H chapter to give students an opportunity to gain the skills to race downhill or enduro as well as opportunities to get involved with the community through volunteer events!

Check out the flyer for more details on the program! Keep reading to learn more about how the program began and how you can start up a similar program. 

The Iron County 4-H MTB Project began in 2022 when the Neusbaum’s (Nathan, Amanda, Tori, Roman & Gideon) gathered a few friends to ride.  They started out on trails at their near-by state park, and also branched out into downhill.  Okay, maybe downhill was always the goal as the amazing Shepherd Mountain Bike Park in Ironton, MO is in their backyard. From this the local 4-H Club asked if the Neusbaum’s would be willing to start a project through their organization.

The first season lasted just 8 weeks but had a dozen students plus a few parents.  It was amazing to see the transition in the riders, who maybe didn’t fit-in in a group sport, as they thrived on the trails and saw that they could do more than what they ever thought they were capable of.  The second season continued with cross country riding at the state park in the spring, and added downhill in the fall.  Over the course of the first two years, they’ve had over 20 riders participate.

They hold weekly practices consisting of specific times for all skill levels, with overlapping time to learn special skills: bike maintenance, nutrition, fitness, bike skills, etc.

The logistics of running a group (insurance, background checks, funding) was a hurdle to overcome, but the 4-H’s youth leadership program already had the needed systems in place.

As a youth leadership organization, the 4-H riders get to practice what they’re learning by “coaching” and encouraging other students at weekly practices.  This reinforces what they’ve learned and gives them the opportunity to develop leadership skills.  They also help at the fundraisers, which include a funnel cake booth and a downhill race series, and participate in volunteer days at the places they ride.

We all know mountain biking is incredibly expensive and out of reach for most.  With donations of bikes and safety gear, the Iron County 4-H MTB project is able to loan equipment to those who either wouldn’t be able to ride, or they are able to try it out before making a large purchase.  The club also runs fundraisers and has received multiple grants to purchase bikes, pads and offer a helmet stipend.

Plans going forward include entering a few races a year as a team and continuing their downhill race series fundraiser, the Sketchyville 4-H Downhill Series at Shepherd Mountain Bike Park.  They would also LOVE to see other clubs take on a MTB project to be able to do group rides and competitions.

If you want to join the Iron County team, or start your own, please reach out to

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Mont Du Lac Downhill Race Mon, 13 May 2024 16:32:23 +0000 Mont Du Lac Downhill Race Read More »


Racing season is about to begin here in the Midwest!

Come out and race this weekend at Mont Du Lac resort in Superior Wisconsin! 

Tentative Schedule:

  • Friday 4pm till dusk -Self Service Practice (Shuttles are not provided during this time)
  • Saturday 9am-11am – Registration $30 cash (Waiver found here)
  •  Saturday 1pm – Seeding runs
  • Race immediately following seeding runs (fastest in seeding drops last)
  • Podiums to follow 

There will be four classes. Open Men, Open Women, Junior Men, Junior Women.

100% payout per class! Payouts will be 50% for first, 30% for second and 20% for third!  

Fill out the waiver beforehand online, otherwise you can sign on on site in the morning. 

We look forward to seeing you out there this weekend!

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Rhythm Looking for New Owners Wed, 24 Apr 2024 16:40:34 +0000 Rhythm Looking for New Owners Read More »


Rhythm Bike and Board Co. located in Houghton MI recently announced on their social media that they are looking to pass on the reigns of the business to the next person (s).  See the image for the announcement

Rhythm was a major factor in my personal journey of becoming the mountain biker I am today. When I was touring the Michigan Tech campus, my mom and I stopped into Rhythm because, who doesn’t stop in every bike shop! They had a Scott Spark 60 on sale because it was the previous year’s model and they were kind enough to let me take the bike to the local trails. WOW, I was hooked. 

This was my first time on a full suspension bike. First time on bike trails built on any kind of elevation with good flow. I had a blast!

I had grown up racing BMX bikes, then got into mountain bikes. But nothing like what I had just gotten to ride. I only knew entry level hardtails and 4 wheeler trails. DANG was this cool to ride a full suspension bike on mountain bike specific trails!

Being 15 or 16 at the time, I had just saved up $1,000 dollars that I was planning on using for my first dirt bike. So the combination of a nice bike and nice trails had me really excited, but confused as to which bike to buy. Pedal bike, or dirt bike?!

It didn’t take much thinking for me to choose the mountain bike over the dirt bike. And I am fully convinced that the desicion to buy this Scott Spark from Rhythm is a big reason I got as into mountain bikes to the capacity that I have. 

Caleb and Steve were also very involved with the college team and the community in general. 

So thank you Caleb and Steve for being a part of not only my story, but I’m certain many other’s as well. I wish you both the best!

To whomever decides to take over. You’ve got some big shoes to fill!



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Events Page is Live Sat, 13 Apr 2024 16:17:00 +0000 Events Page is Live Read More »


There is now a list of events happening across the Midwest! The events listed are what I’ve been able to track down so far. 

Check out the list! If you have an event that should be on it, send us an email with the details!

What type of events are we looking for?

Any event that is focused around the gravity side of the sport!

Do you have a downhill, enduro, or dual slalom race planned? Let’s add it to the list!

How about a dig day at the local dh trail (that really needs a new berm haha). Let’s add it to the list!

Does your shop host a local group ride for the enduro crowd? Let’s add it to the list!

The event doesn’t need to be a big event. The goal of this list is to help people find local events, or events they may want to travel to. This way riders can meet up and have fun together! 

Events are a great way to find new riding partners, make friends, and help people get into the sport!


Local events and races are how many people can find a sense of community in this amazing sport. The bike community is full of amazing, welcoming people, but it can be hard to find them sometimes. Events bring us together! Let’s create some amazing events here in the midwest, big and small! 


Submit your event today by sending us an email!

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Loam Pass Launches and Includes Midwest Parks Fri, 01 Mar 2024 15:30:36 +0000 Loam Pass Launches and Includes Midwest Parks Read More »


Introducing Loam Pass, the ultimate MTB season pass

60+ days at 30+ destinations


You’ve seen it on the slopes, now it’s here for the trails:

The Loam Pass is a season pass to the most iconic mountain bike destinations around North America. With over 30 destinations, the Loam Pass unlocks access to premium resorts, epic bike parks, and shuttle services across the country. Similar to buying a multi-resort ski pass, Loam Pass is the ultimate multi-destination bike pass.

When you purchase a Loam Pass, you receive 2 free days of riding at each destination along with exclusive discounts and endless fun.


The why:

In an era where mountain biking is witnessing unprecedented growth, the introduction of Loam Pass marks a big step forward in making biking destinations more accessible and affordable, creating a pass that caters to all riders.

Many riders don’t get the opportunity to experience all the incredible bike parks North America has to offer. Loam Pass gives riders the access to explore diverse terrain and the freedom to travel in a more cost effective way. Whether you are a core rider or a weekend warrior, the Loam Pass has something for everyone.



2024 pass starting at $249

The 2024 Loam Pass is available now, starting at $249 at Prices will go up as more destinations are added, lock in your early pricing to get access to our growing list of destinations.



About Loam Pass:

Born from the vision of two professional mountain bikers on a chairlift, Loam Pass is the ultimate season pass for mountain biking enthusiasts. Offering unparalleled access to over 30 premier biking destinations across North America, Loam Pass is the key to unlocking over 60 days of adventure, making bike parks and resorts accessible and affordable for the biking community.




“Massanutten Resort is thrilled about our partnership with Loam Pass this year. With recent trail and lift enhancements to an already diverse trail system, we are dedicated to providing exceptional experiences for all. We believe this partnership will offer a great opportunity to introduce more riders to our park.”

-Kameron Tucker, Mountain Sports Director of Massanutten Resort


“We’re excited to bring new riders to the southeast region with Loam Pass. As a park owner, we see a lot of value in making it easy for riders to travel to our park, and Loam Pass gives them the chance to experience new places like ours. We’re stoked to be a part of it!”

-Neko Mulally, Co-Owner of Kanuga and Rock Creek


“Mountain biking has never been bigger, yet the number of riders visiting resorts and bike parks doesn’t reflect this growth. We saw an opportunity to change that by making these destinations more affordable and easily accessible to the average rider. Loam Pass can pay for itself in just one trip. We are so excited to offer you the ultimate MTB season pass!”

-Rob Brown, Co-Founder of Loam Pass


 “Being from up north, it’s common for riders to head south for some early season riding. This pass could make some of those roadtrips extra fun! Being able to stop at different parks and already have 2 passes will get me to stop at more parks!”

Alex Anderson, Downhill Midwest



Find them on all your favorite social media:





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