A youth biking program for those who enjoy downhill!
Do you know a high schooler who enjoys mountain bikes, wants to join a group but maybe NICA isn’t their favorite?
The good people in Iron County Missouri have been working with their local 4-H chapter to give students an opportunity to gain the skills to race downhill or enduro as well as opportunities to get involved with the community through volunteer events!
Check out the flyer for more details on the program! Keep reading to learn more about how the program began and how you can start up a similar program.

The Iron County 4-H MTB Project began in 2022 when the Neusbaum’s (Nathan, Amanda, Tori, Roman & Gideon) gathered a few friends to ride. They started out on trails at their near-by state park, and also branched out into downhill. Okay, maybe downhill was always the goal as the amazing Shepherd Mountain Bike Park in Ironton, MO is in their backyard. From this the local 4-H Club asked if the Neusbaum’s would be willing to start a project through their organization.
The first season lasted just 8 weeks but had a dozen students plus a few parents. It was amazing to see the transition in the riders, who maybe didn’t fit-in in a group sport, as they thrived on the trails and saw that they could do more than what they ever thought they were capable of. The second season continued with cross country riding at the state park in the spring, and added downhill in the fall. Over the course of the first two years, they’ve had over 20 riders participate.

They hold weekly practices consisting of specific times for all skill levels, with overlapping time to learn special skills: bike maintenance, nutrition, fitness, bike skills, etc.
The logistics of running a group (insurance, background checks, funding) was a hurdle to overcome, but the 4-H’s youth leadership program already had the needed systems in place.
As a youth leadership organization, the 4-H riders get to practice what they’re learning by “coaching” and encouraging other students at weekly practices. This reinforces what they’ve learned and gives them the opportunity to develop leadership skills. They also help at the fundraisers, which include a funnel cake booth and a downhill race series, and participate in volunteer days at the places they ride.

We all know mountain biking is incredibly expensive and out of reach for most. With donations of bikes and safety gear, the Iron County 4-H MTB project is able to loan equipment to those who either wouldn’t be able to ride, or they are able to try it out before making a large purchase. The club also runs fundraisers and has received multiple grants to purchase bikes, pads and offer a helmet stipend.
Plans going forward include entering a few races a year as a team and continuing their downhill race series fundraiser, the Sketchyville 4-H Downhill Series at Shepherd Mountain Bike Park. They would also LOVE to see other clubs take on a MTB project to be able to do group rides and competitions.

If you want to join the Iron County team, or start your own, please reach out to 3sproutsfarm@gmail.com